Full Name
Ilić, Dragana
Ilić, D.
Ilic, D.
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Results 1-20 of 28 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
11-Jan-2018The intrinsic Baldwin effect in NLSy 1 galaxiesRakić, Nemanja; Ilić, Dragana ; Popović, Luka
21-Jan-2014Time series analysis of AGNsKovačević, Anđelka ; Popović, Luka C.; Shapovalova, Alla I.; Ilić, Dragana 
31-Jan-2014Supermassive black holes and spectral emission linesIlić, Dragana ; Popović, L.
41-Jan-2013Plasma conditions in different emitting regions of active galactic nucleiPopović, L.; Ilić, Dragana 
51-Aug-2012The broad line emission from the AGN 3C 390.3: Complex broad-line region and perturbation in accretion diskIlić, Dragana ; Popović, Luka Č; Shapovalova, Alla I.; Burenkov, Alexander N.; Chavushyan, Vahram H.; Kovačević, Anđelka ; Kollatschny, Wolfram
61-Jan-2012The variability of the optical spectra of three type 1 AGNsIlić, Dragana ; Popovic, L. C.; Shapovalova, A. I.; Burenkov, A. N.; Chavushyan, V. H.; Kovačević, Anđelka ; Kollatscnhy, W.
71-Jan-2012Broad emission lines: A tool for studying nuclei of active galaxiesIlić, Dragana ; Popović, Luka Č; Shapovalova, Alla I.; Burenkov, Alexander N.; Kollatschny, Wolfram; Kovačević, Anđelka ; Chavushyan, Vahram; La Mura, Giovanni; Rafanelli, Piero
81-Jan-2011Optical emission lines and the X-ray properties of type 1 seyfert galaxiesLa Mura, G.; Ciroi, S.; Cracco, V.; Ilić, Dragana ; Popović, L. Č; Rafanelli, P.
91-Jan-2011Emission line profiles and X-ray observations of Broad and Narrow Line Seyfert 1 GalaxiesLa Mura, G.; Ciroi, S.; Cracco, V.; Ilić, Dragana ; Popović, L.; Rafanelli, P.
101-Jan-2011Observations of the galaxy NGC 3077 in the narrowband [S II] and Hα filtersAndjelić, J. M.; Stavrev, K.; Arbutina, Bojan ; Ilić, Dragana ; Urošević, Dejan 
111-Jan-2011Spectral monitoring of AGN: Preliminary results for Ark 564 and Arp 102BShapovalova, A. I.; Popović, L. Č; Ilić, Dragana ; Kovačević, Anđelka ; Kovačević, J.; Burenkov, A. N.; Chavushyan, V. H.
121-Jan-2010Spectroscopic investigations of extragalactic objects at the astronomical observatory in Belgrade (2008 - 2009)Popovič, Luka Č; Ilić, Dragana 
131-Jan-2010Serbian virtual observatory and virtual atomic and molecular data center (VAMDC)Jevremović, Darko; Dimitrijević, Milan S.; Popović, Luka Č; Dačić, Miodrag; Benišek, Vojislava Protić; Bon, Edi; Gavrilović, Nataša; Kovačević, Jelena; Benišek, Vladimir; Kovačević, Anđelka ; Ilić, Dragana ; Sahal-Bréchot, Sylvie; Tsvetkova, Katya; Simić, Zoran; Malović, Miodrag
141-Jan-2010Physical properties of the broad line region in active galactic nucleiIlić, Dragana ; Popović, Luka Č; Ciroi, Stefano; Mura, Giovanni La; Rafanelli, Piero
151-Aug-2009Long-term variability of the broad Hα and Hβ emission-line profiles of NGC 4151Ilić, Dragana ; Shapovalova, A. I.; Popović, L. Č; Burenkov, A. N.; Chavushyan, V. H.; Kovačević, Anđelka ; Bochkarev, N. G.; León-Tavares, J.
1620-Jul-2009Plasma properties of the broad line emitting region in active galactic nucleiIlić, Dragana ; Popović, L. Č; Ciroi, S.; La Mura, G.; Rafanelli, P.
171-Dec-2008Temperature diagnostics of the broad line region in Active Galactic NucleiiIlić, Dragana ; Popović, L. Č; Ciroi, S.; Rafanelli, P.
181-Jan-2008Spectroscopical investigations of extragalactic objects at astronomical observatory (period 2006-2007)Popović, Luka C.; Kovačević, Jelena; Ilić, Dragana 
1914-Dec-2007Physical properties of the BLR of AGN: Boltzmann-plot vs. CLOUDY modelsIlić, Dragana ; Popović, Luka Č; Ciroi, Stefano; La Mura, Giovanni; Rafanelli, Piero
2014-Dec-2007Detailed analysis of balmer lines in a selected sample of 90 broad line AGNLa Mura, Giovanni; Popović, Luka Č; Ciroi, Stefano; Rafanelli, Piero; Ilić, Dragana