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Title: Plasma conditions in different emitting regions of active galactic nuclei
Authors: Popović, L.
Ilić, Dragana 
Affiliations: Astronomy 
Keywords: active galactic nuclei;emission lines;Galaxies;plasma
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2013
Related Publication(s): SPACE PLASMA PHYSICS: Proceedings of the 4th School and Workshop on Space Plasma Physics 2012
Journal: AIP Conference Proceedings
Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) are powerful energy sources in the Universe, emitting radiation from the gamma to radio spectral range. Different physical processes are present in the emitting plasma around the super-massive black hole, that is supposed to be in the center of an AGN. Here we present an overview of plasma conditions in emitting regions of AGNs. We start from the X-ray emitting region, which is close to the super-massive black hole, discussing the physics and geometry of the region. In more details we discuss the plasma that emits broad emission lines, i.e. the Broad Line Region, and at the end we present methods to determine the plasma conditions in the Narrow Line Emitting Region using forbidden, collisionally excited, emission lines.
ISBN: 9780735411760
ISSN: 0094243X
DOI: 10.1063/1.4818849
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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