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Title: Serbian virtual observatory and virtual atomic and molecular data center (VAMDC)
Authors: Jevremović, Darko
Dimitrijević, Milan S.
Popović, Luka Č
Dačić, Miodrag
Benišek, Vojislava Protić
Bon, Edi
Gavrilović, Nataša
Kovačević, Jelena
Benišek, Vladimir
Kovačević, Anđelka 
Ilić, Dragana 
Sahal-Bréchot, Sylvie
Tsvetkova, Katya
Simić, Zoran
Malović, Miodrag
Affiliations: Astronomy 
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2010
Related Publication(s): VII Serbian-Bulgarian Astronomical Conference, SBAC 2010
Journal: Publikacije Astronomskog društva "Rudjer Bošković"
In this lecture we review recent developments in Serbian Virtual Observatory (SerVO) as well as its relation with the European FP7 project: Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center - VAMDC. Main components of SerVO are going to be the archive of photographic plates, database of Stark broadening parameters and stellar evolution database. Photographic plates were obtained at Belgrade Observatory from 1936 to 1996. Data for Stark broadening were obtained using semiclassical perturbation and modified semiempirical theories mainly in collaboration with Paris Observatory, and we are organizing them now in the STARK-B database, which will enter also in VAMDC, and will have a mirror site in SerVO. Serbian Virtual Observatory will contain as well a mirror of Darthmouth Stellar evolution database with improvements and VO compatible outputs.
ISBN: 9781632662194
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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