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Title: The degrees of maps between (n-1)-connected (2n+1)-dimensional manifolds or Poincaré complexes and their applications
Authors: Grbić, J.
Vučić, Aleksandar 
Affiliations: Topology 
Keywords: classification of Poincaré complexes;highly connected manifolds and Poincaré complexes;homotopy theory;mapping degree
Issue Date: 2021
Journal: Sbornik Mathematics
In this paper, using homotopy theoretical methods we study the degrees of maps between (n-1)-connected (2n+1)-dimensional Poincaré complexes. Necessary and sufficient algebraic conditions for the existence of mapping degrees between such Poincaré complexes are established. These conditions allow us, up to homotopy, to construct explicitly all maps with a given degree. As an application of mapping degrees, we consider maps between (n-1)-connected (2n+1)-dimensional Poincaré complexes with degree ±1, and give a sufficient condition for these to be homotopy equivalences. This resolves a homotopy theoretical analogue of Novikov's question: when is a map of degree between manifolds a homeomorphism? For low , we classify, up to homotopy, torsion free (n-1)-connected (2n+1)-dimensional Poincaré complexes. Bibliography: 29 titles.
ISSN: 10645616
DOI: 10.1070/SM9436
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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