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Title: Effect of environment of the rutin content in leaves of Fagopyrum esculentum Moench
Authors: Dražić, S.
Glamočlija, Djordje
Ristić, M.
Dolijanović, Željko
Dražić, Milan 
Pavlović, S.
Jaramaz, Miroslava
Jaramaz, D.
Affiliations: Numerical Mathematics and Optimization 
Keywords: Bioflavonoid content;Cultivar Golubica;Environmental conditions;Natural sources of rutin;Quercetin rutinoside
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2016
Journal: Plant, Soil and Environment
The experiments were conducted in four locations in Serbia: Valjevo, Kucevo, Nova Pazova and Surduk in 2012 and 2013. A working hypothesis that growing conditions would not affect the rutin content in buckwheat leaves was set up. The content of rutin in leaves of buckwheat was determined by the HPLC/DAD technique, using the external standard calibration method. Out of the basic biometric parameters, average value, variance, and the variation coefficient were estimated. Results were processed by the analysis of variance for the factorial experiment. The analysis of variance showed existence of significant differences in the rutin content, over locations, but only in the first year of testing. The average content of rutin in the first and the second year was 3.30% and 2.61%, respectively, and in both years of testing it amounted on average to 2.82%. The variation in the rutin content was larger in the second year of testing. On the other hand, this variation was lower in the first year (5.3–29.0%) in comparison to the second year (16.2–28.6%). Relatively lower rutin contents were recorded in samples collected at lower-altitude locations.
ISSN: 12141178
DOI: 10.17221/233/2016-PSE
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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