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Title: Invariant Submanifolds of Real Hypersurfaces of Complex Manifolds
Authors: Đorić, Mirjana 
Okumura, Masafumi
Affiliations: Geometry 
Keywords: almost contact metric structure;complex space form;CR submanifold;Invariant submanifold;real hypersurface;second fundamental form
Issue Date: 1-Mar-2011
Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics
Real hypersurfaces of a complex manifold admit a naturally induced almost contact structure F′ from the almost complex structure of the ambient manifold. We prove that for any F′-invariant submanifold M of a geodesic hypersphere in a non-flat complex space form and of a horosphere in a complex hyperbolic space, its second fundamental form h satisfies the condition h(FX,Y)-h(X, FY)=g(FX,Y)η,X,Y ∈ T{box drawings light up and horizontal}(M), 0 ≠ ∈ T(M), which has been considered in [2] and [3]. © 2010 Springer Basel AG.
ISSN: 16605446
DOI: 10.1007/s00009-010-0067-7
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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