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Title: Bounding the largest eigenvalue of signed graphs
Authors: Stanić, Zoran 
Affiliations: Numerical Mathematics and Optimization 
Keywords: Adjacency matrix;Index;Net-regular signed graph;Signed graph;Switching equivalence;Upper bound
Issue Date: 15-Jul-2019
Journal: Linear Algebra and Its Applications
In this study we derive certain upper bounds for the largest eigenvalue (called the index and denoted λ 1 ) of a signed graph. In particular, we prove the following upper bound: λ 12 ≤max⁡{d i m i −n i :1≤i≤n}, where d i is the vertex degree of i, m i =[Formula presented]∑ j∼i d j and n i =∑j∼i(|N iσ(ij) ∩N j |−||N iσ(ij) ∩N jσ(ij) |−|N iσ(ij) ∩N j−σ(ij) ||), with N i ,N i+ and N i− denoting the neighbourhood, the positive neighbourhood and the negative neighbourhood of a vertex i. In our proofs we use standard techniques transferred from the field of (unsigned, simple) graphs. Using the fact that all switching equivalent signed graphs share the same spectrum, we derive some more sophisticated bounds.
ISSN: 00243795
DOI: 10.1016/j.laa.2019.03.011
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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