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Title: On Knaster's problem
Authors: Jelić Milutinović, Marija 
Affiliations: Topology 
Keywords: Cohomological index;Configuration space;Dold's theorem;G-equivariant mapping;Knaster's problem;Stiefel manifold
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2016
Rank: M23
Publisher: Beograd : Matematički institut SANU
Journal: Publications de l'Institut Mathematique
Dold's theorem gives sufficient conditions for proving that there is no G-equivariant mapping between two spaces. We prove a generalization of Dold's theorem, which requires triviality of homology with some coefficients, up to dimension n, instead of n-connectedness. Then we apply it to a special case of Knaster's famous problem, and obtain a new proof of a result of C.T. Yang, which is much shorter and simpler than previous proofs. Also, we obtain a positive answer to some other cases of Knaster's problem, and improve a result of V.V. Makeev, by weakening the conditions.
ISSN: 03501302
DOI: 10.2298/PIM151030032J
Rights: Attribution 3.0 United States
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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