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Title: Classification of left invariant Hermitian structures on 4-dimensional non-compact rank one symmetric spaces
Authors: Vukmirović, Srđan 
Babić, Marijana
Dekić, Andrijana
Affiliations: Geometry 
Keywords: Complex hyperbolic plane;Hermitian complex structures;Left invariant metrics;Non-compact rank one symmetric spaces
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2019
Journal: Revista de la Union Matematica Argentina
The only 4-dimensional non-compact rank one symmetric spaces are CH2 and RH4. By the classical results of Heintze, one can model these spaces by real solvable Lie groups with left invariant metrics. In this paper we classify all possible left invariant Hermitian structures on these Lie groups, i.e., left invariant Riemannian metrics and the corresponding Hermitian complex structures. We show that each metric from the classification on CH2 admits at least four Hermitian complex structures. One class of metrics on CH2 and all the metrics on RH4 admit 2-spheres of Hermitian complex structures. The standard metric of CH2 is the only Einstein metric from the classification, and also the only metric that admits Kähler structure, while on RH4 all the metrics are Einstein. Finally, we examine the geometry of these Lie groups: curvature properties, self-duality, and holonomy.
ISSN: 00416932
DOI: 10.33044/revuma.v60n2a04
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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