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Title: Cauchy and Bergman projection, sharp gradient estimates and certain operator norm equalities
Authors: Melentijević, Petar 
Affiliations: Real and Functional Analysis 
Keywords: -invariant gradient;31B10;Bergman projection;Bloch space;Cauchy projection;gradient estimate;operator norm;Primary 47B35;Siegel upper-half space;unit ball
Issue Date: 2-Dec-2019
Journal: Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations
We get sharp pointwise estimates for the gradient of Pf, where P is Bergman projection in terms of Lp -norm of function f defined in Bn. Using limiting argument we transfer this result to Cauchy projection on Sn and hence, the optimal gradient estimates of solution of (Formula presented.) -problem, thus extending results from Kalaj, Vujadinović [Norm of the Bergman projection onto the Bloch space. J Oper Theory. 2015;73(1):113–126], Kalaj, Marković [Optimal estimates for the gradient of harmonic functions in the unit disk. Complex Anal Oper Theory. 2013;7:1167–1183], Melentijević [Norm of the Bergman projection onto the Bloch space with M -invariant gradient norm. arXiv 1711.08719[math.CV]]. As corollaries we get the sharp gradient estimate of a function in L2 Hardy and Bergman spaces and exact norms of Cauchy projection acting into the Bloch space equipped with several (quasi)-norms.
ISSN: 17476933
DOI: 10.1080/17476933.2019.1574771
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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