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Title: Orthogonality in script G sign <inf>1</inf> and script G sign <inf>∞</inf> spaces and normal derivations
Authors: Kečkić, Dragoljub 
Affiliations: Mathematical Analysis 
Keywords: Derivation;Elementary operator;Gateaux derivative;Orthogonality in Banach spaces;Schatten ideals
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2004
Journal: Journal of Operator Theory
We introduce φ-Gateaux derivative, and use it to give the necessary and sufficient conditions for the operator Y to be orthogonal (in the sense of James) to the operator X, in both spaces script G sign 1 and script G sign ∞ (nuclear and compact operators on a Hilbert space). Further, we apply these results to prove that there exists a normal derivation Δ A such that ran Δ A ⊕ ker Δ A ≠ script G sign A1 , and a related result concerning script G sign ∞ .
ISSN: 03794024
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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