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Title: On polygons excluding point sets
Authors: Fulek, Radoslav
Keszegh, Balázs
Morić, Filip
Uljarević, Igor 
Affiliations: Differential Equations 
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2010
Related Publication(s): Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, CCCG 2010
By a polygonization of a finite point set S in the plane we understand a simple polygon having S as the set of its vertices. Let B and R be sets of blue and red points, respectively, in the plane such that B ∪ R is in general position, and the convex hull of B contains k interior blue points and l interior red points. Hurtado et al. found sufficient conditions for the existence of a blue polygonization that encloses all red points. We consider the dual question of the existence of a blue polygonization that excludes all red points R. We show that there is a minimal number K = K(l), which is a polynomial in l, such that one can always find a blue polygonization excluding all red points, whenever k ≥ K. Some other related problems are also considered.
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