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Title: The Jacobi-Orthogonality in Indefinite Scalar Product Spaces
Authors: Lukić, Katarina 
Affiliations: Geometry 
Keywords: indefinite metric;Jacobi-orthogonality;Jacobiduality;Osserman tensor;quasi-Clifford tensor
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2024
Rank: M23
Publisher: Beograd : Matematički institut SANU
Journal: Publications de l'Institut Mathematique
We generalize the property of Jacobi-orthogonality to indefinite scalar product spaces. We compare various principles and investigate relations between Osserman, Jacobi-dual, and Jacobi-orthogonal algebraic curvature tensors. We show that every quasi-Clifford tensor is Jacobi-orthogonal. We prove that a Jacobi-diagonalizable Jacobi-orthogonal tensor is Jacobidual whenever JX has no null eigenvectors for all nonnull X. We show that any algebraic curvature tensor of dimension 3 is Jacobi-orthogonal if and only if it is of constant sectional curvature. We prove that every 4-dimensional Jacobi-diagonalizable algebraic curvature tensor is Jacobi-orthogonal if and only if it is Osserman.
ISSN: 03501302
DOI: 10.2298/PIM2429033l
Rights: Attribution 3.0 United States
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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