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Title: Additive Units of Inclusion Systems of Hilbert Modules over the C<sup>∗</sup> -Algebra of Compact Operators
Authors: Vujošević, Biljana 
Affiliations: Mathematical Analysis 
Keywords: (Additive) units of inclusion;(Additive) units of product;(Two-sided) Hilbert C -modules ∗;Inclusion systems;Product systems
Issue Date: 1-Oct-2020
Journal: Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society
We introduce the notion of additive units (addits) of a pointed inclusion system of Hilbert modules over the C∗-algebra of all compact operators acting on a Hilbert space G. By a pointed inclusion system, we mean an inclusion system with a fixed normalised reference unit. We prove that if G is a Hilbert space of finite dimension, then there is a bijection between the set of addits of a pointed inclusion system and the set of addits of the generated product system. We also consider addits of spatial product systems of Hilbert modules and, as an example, we find all continuous addits in the product system from Barreto et al. (J Funct Anal 212:121–181, 2004, Example 4.2.4).
ISSN: 10186301
DOI: 10.1007/s41980-019-00325-0
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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