Full Name
Urošević, Dejan
Urošević, D.
Uroševic, D.
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Results 21-40 of 81 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
211-Apr-2018Radio evolution of supernova remnants including non-linear particle accelerationPavlović, M. Z.; Urošević, Dejan ; Arbutina, Bojan 
221-Mar-2018On the Foundation of Equipartition in Supernova RemnantsUrošević, Dejan ; Pavlović, Marko Z.; Arbutina, Bojan 
2310-Jan-2018Radio Evolution of Supernova Remnants Including Nonlinear Particle Acceleration: Insights from Hydrodynamic SimulationsPavlović, Marko Z.; Urošević, Dejan ; Arbutina, Bojan ; Orlando, Salvatore; Maxted, Nigel; Filipović, Miroslav D.
241-Jan-2018Optical observations of NGC 1156 galaxy in narrowband [SII] and Hα filtersVučetić, M. M.; Trčka, A.; Arbutina, Bojan ; Ćiprijanović, A.; Pavlović, M. Z.; Urošević, Dejan ; Petrov, N.
251-Jun-2017Radio planetary nebulae in the Large Magellanic CloudLeverenz, Howard; Filipović, Miroslav D.; Vukotić, B.; Urošević, Dejan ; Grieve, Kevin
261-May-2017Statistical Analysis of Supernova Remnants in the Large Magellanic CloudBozzetto, Luke M.; Filipović, Miroslav D.; Vukotić, Branislav; Pavlović, Marko Z.; Urošević, Dejan ; Kavanagh, Patrick J.; Arbutina, Bojan ; Maggi, Pierre; Sasaki, Manami; Haberl, Frank; Crawford, Evan J.; Roper, Quentin; Grieve, Kevin; Points, S. D.
2811-Sep-2016Interstellar medium structure and the slope of the radio Σ-D relation of supernova remnantsKostić, P.; Vukotić, B.; Urošević, Dejan ; Arbutina, Bojan ; Prodanović, T.
291-Jun-2015On the continuum radio spectrum of CAS A: Possible evidence of nonlinear particle accelerationOnić, D.; Urošević, Dejan 
3020-Jan-2015The influence of supernova remnants on the interstellar medium in the large magellanic cloud seen at 20-600 μm wavelengthsLakićević, Maša; Van Loon, Jacco Th; Meixner, Margaret; Gordon, Karl; Bot, Caroline; Roman-Duval, Julia; Babler, Brian; Bolatto, Alberto; Engelbracht, Chad; Filipović, Miroslav; Hony, Sacha; Indebetouw, Remy; Misselt, Karl; Montiel, Edward; Okumura, K.; Panuzzo, Pasquale; Patat, Ferdinando; Sauvage, Marc; Seale, Jonathan; Sonneborn, George; Temim, Tea; Urošević, Dejan ; Zanardo, Giovanna
311-Jan-2015Optical supernova remnants in nearby galaxies and their influence on star formation rates derived from Hα emissionVučetić, M. M.; Arbutina, Bojan ; Urošević, Dejan 
3221-Nov-2014On the radio spectra of supernova remnantsUrošević, Dejan 
331-Nov-2014HFPK 334: An unusual supernova remnant in the small magellanic cloudCrawford, E. J.; Filipović, M. D.; McEntaffer, R. L.; Brantseg, T.; Heitritter, K.; Roper, Q.; Haberl, F.; Urošević, Dejan 
341-Jan-2014Lithium in small magellanic cloud: Implications for new physicsProdanović, T.; Bogdanović, T.; Urošević, Dejan 
351-Jan-2014Serbian astronomical journal in science citation index and journal citation reportKnežević, Z.; Urošević, Dejan ; Arbutina, Bojan 
361-Jan-2014Galactic interactions: New source of lithium?Prodanović, Tijana; Bogdanović, Tamara; Urošević, Dejan 
371-Jan-2014Multifrequency study of a new fe-rich supernova remnant in the Large Magellanic Cloud, MCSNR J0508-6902Bozzetto, L. M.; Kavanagh, P. J.; Maggi, P.; Filipović, M. D.; Stupar, M.; Parker, Q. A.; Reid, W. A.; Sasaki, M.; Haberl, F.; Urošević, Dejan ; Dickel, J.; Sturm, R.; Williams, R.; Ehle, M.; Gruendl, R.; Chu, Y. H.; Points, S.; Crawford, E. J.
381-Jan-2014On calibration of some distance scales in astrophysicsVukotić, B.; Jurković, M.; Urošević, Dejan ; Arbutina, Bojan 
391-Jan-2014Updated radio Σ - D relation for galactic supernova remnantsPavlović, M. Z.; Dobardžić, A.; Vukotić, B.; Urošević, Dejan 
401-Jan-2014Radio-continuum study of large magellanic cloud supernova remnant j0509-6731Bozzetto, L. M.; Filipović, M. D.; Urošević, Dejan ; Kothes, R.; Crawford, E. J.