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Title: Statistical Analysis of Supernova Remnants in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Authors: Bozzetto, Luke M.
Filipović, Miroslav D.
Vukotić, Branislav
Pavlović, Marko Z.
Urošević, Dejan 
Kavanagh, Patrick J.
Arbutina, Bojan 
Maggi, Pierre
Sasaki, Manami
Haberl, Frank
Crawford, Evan J.
Roper, Quentin
Grieve, Kevin
Points, S. D.
Affiliations: Astronomy 
Keywords: acceleration of particles;ISM: supernova remnants;Local Group;radio continuum: ISM
Issue Date: 1-May-2017
Journal: Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series
We construct the most complete sample of supernova remnants (SNRs) in any galaxy - the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) SNR sample. We study their various properties such as spectral index (α), size, and surface brightness. We suggest an association between the spatial distribution and environment density of LMC SNRs, and their tendency to be located around supergiant shells. We find evidence that the 16 known type Ia LMC SNRs are expanding in a lower density environment compared to the Core-Collapse (CC) type. The mean diameter of our entire population (74) is 41 pc, which is comparable to nearby galaxies. We did not find any correlation between the type of SN explosion, ovality, or age. The relationship with slope a = 0.96 implies that the randomized diameters are readily mimicking such an exponent. The rate of SNe occurring in the LMC is estimated to be ∼1 per 200 yr. The mean α of the entire LMC SNR population is -0.52, which is typical of most SNRs. However, our estimates show a clear flattening of the synchrotron α as the remnants age. As predicted, the CC SNRs in our sample are significantly brighter radio emitters than type Ia remnants. We also estimate the ∑-D relation for the LMC to have a slope ∼3.8, which is comparable with other nearby galaxies. We also find the residency time of electrons in the galaxy (4.0-14.3 Myr), implying that SNRs should be the dominant mechanism for the production and acceleration of CRs.
ISSN: 00670049
DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/aa653c
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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