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Title: The influence of supernova remnants on the interstellar medium in the large magellanic cloud seen at 20-600 μm wavelengths
Authors: Lakićević, Maša
Van Loon, Jacco Th
Meixner, Margaret
Gordon, Karl
Bot, Caroline
Roman-Duval, Julia
Babler, Brian
Bolatto, Alberto
Engelbracht, Chad
Filipović, Miroslav
Hony, Sacha
Indebetouw, Remy
Misselt, Karl
Montiel, Edward
Okumura, K.
Panuzzo, Pasquale
Patat, Ferdinando
Sauvage, Marc
Seale, Jonathan
Sonneborn, George
Temim, Tea
Urošević, Dejan 
Zanardo, Giovanna
Affiliations: Astronomy 
Keywords: dust, extinction;evolution;galaxies: ISM;ISM: clouds;ISM: supernova remnants;Magellanic Clouds;submillimeter: galaxies;submillimeter: ISM
Issue Date: 20-Jan-2015
Journal: Astrophysical Journal
We present the analysis of supernova remnants (SNRs) in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and their influence on the environment at far-infrared (FIR) and submillimeter wavelengths. We use new observations obtained with the Herschel Space Observatory and archival data obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope, to make the first FIR atlas of these objects. The SNRs are not clearly discernible at FIR wavelengths; however, their influence becomes apparent in maps of dust mass and dust temperature, which we constructed by fitting a modified blackbody to the observed spectral energy distribution in each sightline. Most of the dust that is seen is pre-existing interstellar dust in which SNRs leave imprints. The temperature maps clearly reveal SNRs heating surrounding dust, while the mass maps indicate the removal of 3.7+7.5-2.5 M O of dust per SNR. This agrees with the calculations by others that significant amounts of dust are sputtered by SNRs. Under the assumption that dust is sputtered and not merely pushed away, we estimate a dust destruction rate in the LMC of 0.037+0.075-0.025M O yr-1 due to SNRs, yielding an average lifetime for interstellar dust of 2+4.0-1.3 ×107 yr. We conclude that sputtering of dust by SNRs may be an important ingredient in models of galactic evolution, that supernovae may destroy more dust than they produce, and that they therefore may not be net producers of long lived dust in galaxies.
ISSN: 0004637X
DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/799/1/50
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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