Full Name
Milošević, Bojana
Milošević, B.
Miloševic, B.
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Results 1-20 of 36 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Rank
11-Apr-2024To impute or to adapt? Model specification tests’ perspectiveCuparić, Marija ; Milošević, Bojana M22
21-Mar-2024Goodness-of-fit tests for the multivariate Student-t distribution based on i.i.d. data, and for GARCH observationsMeintanis, Simos; Milošević, Bojana ; Obradović, Marko ; Veljović, Mirjana M22
31-Mar-2024Correlation-type goodness-of-fit tests based on independence characterizationsHalaj, Katarina; Milošević, Bojana ; Obradović, Marko ; Jiménez-Gamero, M. DoloresM22
41-Mar-2024On the estimation of fuzzy stress–strength reliability parameterMilošević, Bojana ; Stanojević, JelenaM21
51-Oct-2023Bahadur efficiency for certain goodness-of-fit tests based on the empirical characteristic functionMeintanis, Simos; Milošević, Bojana ; Obradović, Marko H. M23
61-Jul-2023Bahadur Efficiency of EDF Based Normality Tests when Parameters are EstimatedMilošević, Bojana ; Nikitin, Ya Yu; Obradović, Marko 
71-Jan-2023Characterization-based approach for construction of goodness-of-fit test for Lévy distributionLukić, Žikica; Milošević, Bojana M21
81-Jan-2023Non-degenerate U-statistics for data missing completely at random with application to testing independenceAleksić, Danijel; Cuparić, Marija ; Milošević, Bojana M21
92023Modelling participation in road accidents of drivers with disabilities who use hand controlsPetrović, Đorđe; Pešić, Dalibor; Mijailović, Radomir M.; Milošević, Bojana M23
102022Distribution-free goodness-of-fit tests for the Pareto distribution based on a characterizationAllison, James; Milošević, Bojana ; Obradović, Marko ; Smuts, MariusM23
112022Asymptotic distribution of certain degenerate V-and U-statistics with estimated parameters<sup>*</sup>Cuparić, Marija ; Milošević, Bojana ; Obradović, Marko M22
122022A test for normality and independence based on characteristic functionEjsmont, Wiktor; Milošević, Bojana E. ; Obradović, Marko H. M21
132022New consistent exponentiality tests based on V-empirical Laplace transforms with comparison of efficienciesCuparić, Marija ; Milošević, Bojana ; Obradović, Marko M21a
142022New characterization-based exponentiality tests for randomly censored dataCuparić, Marija ; Milošević, Bojana M21
151-Jan-2021Quantifying the ratio-plot for the geometric distributionMilošević, Bojana ; Jiménez-Gamero, M. Dolores; Alba-Fernández, M. Virtudes
161-Jan-2021Inference on reliability of stress-strength model with peng-yan extended weibull distributionsJovanović, Milan ; Milošević, Bojana ; Obradović, Marko ; Vidović, ZoranM22
171-Nov-2020Comparison of symmetry tests against some skew-symmetric alternatives in i.i.d. and non-i.i.d. settingIvanović, Blagoje; Milošević, Bojana ; Obradović, Marko 
186-Aug-2020Estimation of stress-strength probability in a multicomponent model based on geometric distributionJovanović, Milan ; Milošević, Bojana ; Obradović, Marko 
192-Aug-2020Asymptotic efficiency of goodness-of-fit tests based on Too–Lin characterizationMilošević, Bojana 
203-Jul-2020Exponentiality tests based on Basu characterizationJiménez-Gamero, M. D.; Milošević, Bojana ; Obradović, Marko