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Title: Correlation-type goodness-of-fit tests based on independence characterizations
Authors: Halaj, Katarina
Milošević, Bojana 
Obradović, Marko 
Jiménez-Gamero, M. Dolores
Affiliations: Probability and Mathematical Statistics 
Probability and Mathematical Statistics 
Keywords: Cauchy distribution;Gamma distribution;Goodness-of-fit;Independence characterizations;Inverse Gaussian distribution
Issue Date: 1-Mar-2024
Rank: M22
Publisher: Springer
Journal: AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis
This paper uses independence-type characterizations to propose a class of test statistics which can be used for testing goodness-of-fit with several classes of null distributions. The resulting tests are consistent against fixed alternatives. Some limiting and small sample properties of the test statistics are explored. In comparison with common universal goodness-of-fit tests, the new tests exhibit better power for most of the alternatives considered, while in comparison with another characterization-based procedure, the new tests provide competitive or comparable power in various simulation settings. The handiness of the proposed tests is demonstrated through several real-data examples.
ISSN: 18638171
DOI: 10.1007/s10182-023-00475-x
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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