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Title: Long-term variability of the optical spectra of NGC 4151. I. Light curves and flux correlations
Authors: Shapovalova, A. I.
Popović, L. C.
Collin, S.
Burenkov, An
Chavushyan, V. H.
Bochkarev, N. G.
Benítez, E.
Dultzin, D.
Kovačević, Anđelka 
Borisov, N.
Carrasco, L.
León-Tavares, J.
Mercado, A.
Valdes, J. R.
Vlasuyk, V. V.
Zhdanova, V. E.
Affiliations: Astronomy 
Keywords: Galaxies: active;Galaxies: individual: NGC 4151
Issue Date: 1-Jul-2008
Journal: Astronomy and Astrophysics
Aims. Results of long-term spectral monitoring of the active galactic nucleus of NGC 4151 are presented (11 years, from 1996 to 2006).Methods. High quality spectra (S/N > 50 in the continuum near Hα and H) were obtained in the spectral range ~4000 to 7500 with a resolution between 5 and 15, using the 6-m and the 1-m SAO's telescopes (Russia), the GHAO's 2.1-m telescope (Cananea, México), and the OAN-SPM's 2.1-m telescope (San-Pedro, México). The observed fluxes of the Hα, H, H, and HeII4686 emission lines and of the continuum at the observed wavelength 5117 were corrected for the position angle, the seeing, and the aperture effects.Results. We found that the continuum and line fluxes varied strongly (up to a factor 6) during the monitoring period. The emission was maximum in 1996-1998, and there were two minima in 2001 and in 2005. As a consequence, the spectral type of the nucleus changed from a Sy1.5 in the maximum activity state to a Sy1.8 in the minimum state. The Hα, H, and He4686 fluxes correlated well with the H flux. The line profiles were strongly variable, showing changes of the blue and red asymmetry. The flux ratios of the blue/red wings and of the blue (or red) wing/core of Hα and H varied differently. We considered three characteristic periods during which the H and Hα profiles were similar: 1996-1999, 2000-2001, and 2002-2006. The line-to-continuum flux ratios were different; in particular during the first period (1996-1999), the lines were not correlated with the continuum and saturated at high fluxes. In the second and third periods (2000-2006), where the continuum flux was small, the Hα and H fluxes were well correlated to the continuum flux, meaning that the ionizing continuum was a good extrapolation of the optical continuum. The CCFs are often asymmetrical and the time lags between the lines and the continuum are badly defined, indicating the presence of a complex BLR, with dimensions from 1 to 50 light-days. Conclusions. We discuss the different responses of H and Hα to the continuum during the monitoring period. © 2008 ESO.
ISSN: 00046361
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20079111
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