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Title: Activities of serbian scientists in europlanet
Authors: Nina, Aleksandra
Radovanović, Milan
Popović, Luka
Černok, Ana
Marinković, Bratislav P.
Srećković, Vladimir A.
Kovačević, Anđelka 
Radović, Jelena
Čelebonović, Vladan
Žitnik, Ivana Milić
Mijić, Zoran
Veselinović, Nikola
Kolarski, Aleksandra
Zdravković, Alena
Affiliations: Astronomy 
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2020
Related Publication(s): Proceedings of the XII Serbian-Bulgarian Astronomical Conference, SB 2020
The Europlanet Society, an organization which promotes the advancement of European planetary science and related fields, has 10 hubs. The Serbian Europlanet Group (SEG) is included in the Europlanet South Eastern European Hub (ESEEH) and, currently, has 20 active scientists. In this work, we present activities of SEG Primarily, we describe two Europlanet workshops organized in the Petnica Science Center: "Geology and geophysics of the solar system bodies" and "Integrations of satellite and ground-based observations and multi-disciplinarity in research and prediction of different types of hazards in Solar system" that occurred in 2018 and 2019, respectively, and the Europlanet session during XII Serbian-Bulgarian Astronomical Conference that occurred in Sokobanja 2020. In addition, we present other activities that were primarily aimed at connecting SEG members coming from six institutions as well as the promotion of the Europlanet and ESEEH organizations.
ISBN: 9788689035155
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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