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Title: Virtual atomic and molecular data center (VAMDC) and Stark-B database
Authors: Dimitrijevin, Milan S.
sahal-Bréchot, Sylvie
Kovačević, Anđelka 
Jevremović, Darko
Popović, Luka Č
Consortium, Vamdc
Affiliations: Astronomy 
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2010
Related Publication(s): VII Serbian-Bulgarian Astronomical Conference, SBAC 2010
Journal: Publikacije astronomskog društva "Rudjer Bošković"
Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center (VAMDC) is an European FP7 project with aims to build a flexible and interoperable e-science environment based interface to the existing Atomic and Molecular data. The VAMDC will be built upon the expertise of existing Atomic and Molecular databases, data producers and service providers with the specific aim of creating an infrastructure that is easily tuned to the requirements of a wide variety of users in academic, governmental, industrial or public communities. In VAMDC will enter also STARK-B database, containing Stark broadening parameters for a large number of lines, obtained by the semiclassical perturbation method during more than 30 years of collaboration of authors of this work (MSD and SSB) and their co-workers. In this contribution we will review the VAMDC project, STARK-B database and discuss the benefits of both for the corresponding data users.
ISBN: 9781632662194
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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