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Title: Stark Widths of Spectral Lines of Neutral Neon
Authors: Dimitrijević, Milan S.
Simić, Zoran
Kovačević, Anđelka 
Valjarević, Aleksandar
Sahal-Bréchot, Sylvie
Affiliations: Astronomy 
Keywords: atomic data;Ne I: line profiles;Stark broadening
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2015
Journal: Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy
In order to complete Stark broadening data for Ne I spectral lines which are needed for analysis of stellar atmospheres, collisional widths and shifts (the so-called Stark broadening parameters) of 29 isolated spectral lines of neutral neon have been determined within the impact semiclassical perturbation method. Calculations have been performed for the broadening by collisions with electrons, protons and ionized helium for astrophysical applications, and for collisions with ionized neon and argon for laboratory plasma diagnostics. The shifts have been compared with existing experimental values. The obtained data will be included in the STARK-B database, which is a part of the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center – VAMDC.
ISSN: 02506335
DOI: 10.1007/s12036-015-9343-z
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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