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Title: Variability and the Size-Luminosity Relation of the Intermediate-mass AGN in NGC 4395
Authors: Cho, Hojin
Woo, Jong Hak
Hodges-Kluck, Edmund
Son, Donghoon
Shin, Jaejin
Gallo, Elena
Bae, Hyun Jin
Brink, Thomas G.
Cho, Wanjin
Filippenko, Alexei V.
Horst, John C.
Ilić, Dragana 
Joner, Michael D.
Kang, Daeun
Kang, Wonseok
Kaspi, Shai
Kim, Taewoo
Kovačević, Anđelka 
Kumar, Sahana
Huynh, Huynh Anh
Nadzhip, A. E.
Pozo Nuñez, Francisco
Metlov, V. G.
Oknyansky, V. L.
Park, Songyoun
Popović, Luka
Rakshit, Suvendu
Schramm, Malte
Shatsky, N. I.
Spencer, Michelle
Sung, Eon Chang
Sung, Hyun Il
Tatarnikov, A. M.
Vince, Oliver
Affiliations: Astronomy 
Issue Date: 1-Apr-2020
Journal: Astrophysical Journal
We present a variability study of the lowest-luminosity Seyfert 1 nucleus of the galaxy NGC 4395 based on photometric monitoring campaigns in 2017 and 2018. Using 22 ground-based and space telescopes, we monitored NGC 4395 with a ∼5-minute cadence during a period of 10 days and obtained light curves in the ultraviolet (UV), V, J, H, and K/Ks bands, as well as narrowband Hα. The rms variability is ∼0.13 mag in the Swift UVM2 and V filter light curves, decreasing down to ∼0.01 mag in the K filter. After correcting for the continuum contribution to the Hα narrow band, we measured the time lag of the Hα emission line with respect to the V-band continuum as 55-31+27-122-67+33 minutes in 2017 and 49-14+15- 83-14+13 minutes in 2018, depending on assumptions about the continuum variability amplitude in the Hα narrow band. We obtained no reliable measurements for the continuum-to-continuum lag between UV and V bands and among near-IR bands, owing to the large flux uncertainty of UV observations and the limited time baseline. We determined the active galactic nucleus (AGN) monochromatic luminosity at 5100 Å, λ Lλ = (5.75 ± 0.40) × 1039, erg s-1, after subtracting the contribution of the nuclear star cluster. While the optical luminosity of NGC 4395 is two orders of magnitude lower than that of other reverberation-mapped AGNs, NGC 4395 follows the size-luminosity relation, albeit with an offset of 0.48 dex (≥2.5σ) from the previous best-fit relation of Bentz et al.
ISSN: 0004637X
DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab7a98
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