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Title: AUTOCHECK: A Tool for Checking Compliance with Automotive Coding Standards
Authors: Vujošević Janičić, Milena 
Plavsic, Ognjen
Brkusanin, Mirko
Jovanovic, Petar
Affiliations: Informatics and Computer Science 
Keywords: automotive;AUTOSAR standard;Clang;LLLV;MISRA standard;software verification;static code analysis
Issue Date: 26-May-2021
Rank: M33
Journal: 2021 Zooming Innovation in Consumer Technologies Conference, ZINC 2021
Coding standards are especially important in the automotive industry because automotive software bugs can have fatal consequences. An important standard in this context is Autosar, which proposes guidelines for coding in C++14 language. Strictly following this coding standard improves security, safety and the overall quality of software, and should be supported by tools that can automate compliance checks. In this paper we present a tool AutoCheck that can check compliance to 190 rules defined by Autosar standard for C++14 language. AutoCheck is implemented as an extension of the Clang compiler and can be easily adopted as it can be invoked through simple options that are added to Clang. AutoCheck also offers additional options for controlling the generated output in a user-friendly way. We discuss development decisions that include experimental evaluation of different interfaces for static analysis offered by Clang. We present experimental evaluation which shows that AutoCheck performs highly efficient and precise analysis.
ISBN: 9781665404174
DOI: 10.1109/ZINC52049.2021.9499304
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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