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Title: Long-Term Monitoring of the Broad-Line Region Properties in a Selected Sample of AGN
Authors: Ilić, Dragana 
Shapovalova, Alla I.
Popović, Luka
Chavushyan, Vahram
Burenkov, Alexander N.
Kollatschny, Wolfram
Kovačević, Anđelka 
Marčeta-Mandić, Sladjana
Rakić, Nemanja
La Mura, Giovanni
Rafanelli, Piero
Affiliations: Astronomy 
Keywords: 3C 390.3;Ark 564;E1821+643);galaxies:active-galaxies;line:profiles;NGC 4151;NGC 5548;NGC 7469;quasar:emission lines;quasar:individual (Arp 102B;quasars: supermassive black holes
Issue Date: 14-Sep-2017
Journal: Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences
We present the results of the long-term optical monitoring campaign of active galactic nuclei (AGN) coordinated by the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Science. This campaign has produced a remarkable set of optical spectra, since we have monitored for several decades different types of broad-line (type 1) AGN, from a Seyfert 1, double-peaked line, radio loud and radio quiet AGN, to a supermassive binary black hole candidate. Our analysis of the properties of the broad line region (BLR) of these objects is based on the variability of the broad emission lines. We hereby give a comparative review of the variability properties of the broad emission lines and the BLR of seven different type 1 AGNs, emphasizing some important results, such as the variability rate, the BLR geometry, and the presence of the intrinsic Baldwin effect. We are discussing the difference and similarity in the continuum and emission line variability, focusing on what is the impact of our results to the supermassive black hole mass determination from the BLR properties.
DOI: 10.3389/fspas.2017.00012
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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