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Title: Upper Bounds for the Largest Singular Value of Certain Digraph Matrices
Authors: Stanić, Zoran 
Affiliations: Numerical Mathematics and Optimization 
Keywords: (skew) adjacency matrix;Digraph;Eigenvalue;Oriented graph;Singular value;Skew Laplacian matrix;Upper bound
Issue Date: 2021
Rank: M21
Journal: Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society
In this paper, we consider digraphs with possible loops and the particular case of oriented graphs, i.e. loopless digraphs with at most one oriented edge between every pair of vertices. We provide an upper bound for the largest singular value of the skew Laplacian matrix of an oriented graph, the largest singular value of the skew adjacency matrix of an oriented graph and the largest singular value of the adjacency matrix of a digraph. These bounds are expressed in terms of certain parameters related to vertex degrees. We also consider some bounds for the sums of squares of singular values. As an application, for the skew (Laplacian) adjacency matrix of an oriented graph and the adjacency matrix of a digraph, we derive some upper bounds for the spectral radius and the sums of squares of moduli of eigenvalues.
ISSN: 01266705
DOI: 10.1007/s40840-020-00970-3
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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