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Title: Signed graphs whose spectrum is bounded by −2
Authors: Rowlinson, Peter
Stanić, Zoran 
Affiliations: Numerical Mathematics and Optimization 
Keywords: Adjacency matrix;Foundation of a signed graph;Signed line graph;Star complement;Star partition
Issue Date: 2022
Rank: M21a
Journal: Applied Mathematics and Computation
We prove that for every tree T with t vertices (t>2), the signed line graph L(Kt) has L(T) as a star complement for the eigenvalue −2; in other words, T is a foundation for Kt (regarded as a signed graph with all edges positive). In fact, L(Kt) is, to within switching equivalence, the unique maximal signed line graph having such a star complement. It follows that if t∉{7,8,9} then, to within switching equivalence, Kt is the unique maximal signed graph with T as a foundation. We obtain analogous results for a signed unicyclic graph as a foundation, and then provide a classification of signed graphs with spectrum in [−2,∞). We note various consequences, and review cospectrality and strong regularity in signed graphs with least eigenvalue ≥−2.
ISSN: 00963003
DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2022.126991
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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