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Title: Hopf algebra of building sets
Authors: Grujić, Vladimir 
Stojadinović, Tanja 
Affiliations: Topology 
Algebra and Mathematical Logic 
Keywords: Building set;Cd-index;Dehn- sommerville relations;Graph;Hopf algebra;Simplicial complex;Symmetric function
Issue Date: 13-Dec-2012
Journal: Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
The combinatorial Hopf algebra on building sets BSet extends the chromatic Hopf algebra of simple graphs. The image of a building set under canonical morphism to quasi-symmetric functions is the chromatic symmetric function of the corresponding hypergraph. By passing from graphs to building sets, we construct a sequence of symmetric functions associated to a graph. From the generalized Dehn- Sommerville relations for the Hopf algebra BSet, we define a class of building sets called eulerian and show that eulerian building sets satisfy Bayer-Billera relations. We show the existence of the cd-index, the polynomial in two noncommutative variables associated to an eulerian building set. The complete characterization of eulerian building sets is given in terms of combinatorics of intersection posets of antichains of finite sets.
DOI: 10.37236/2413
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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