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Title: The Influence of Interactive Learning Materials on Solving Tasks That Require Different Types of Mathematical Reasoning
Authors: Kaplar, Marija
Radović, Slaviša
Veljković, Kristina
Simić-Muller, Ksenija
Marić, Miroslav 
Affiliations: Informatics and Computer Science 
Keywords: Elementary education;GeoGebra;Interactive learning environments;Mathematical reasoning
Issue Date: 2022
Journal: International journal of science and mathematics education
The purpose of this study is to analyse the effects of the Interactive Learning Materials Triangle (iLMT) on the learning and knowledge retention of 12-year-old students. The iLMT is a digital version of the standard school learning materials in Serbia, and is characterized by a high degree of interactivity and immediate feedback during the learning process. We conducted an experiment to explore whether iLMT influences student success in solving mathematical tasks that require different types of mathematical reasoning. Based on previous extensive research by Lithner, 4 types of tasks are discussed: high relatedness answer, high relatedness algorithm, local low relatedness, and global low relatedness. The study involved 633 students and 13 teachers of mathematics, equally distributed in control and test groups. The main findings indicate that student success on a knowledge test for high relatedness answer and local low relatedness tasks for the test group was significantly higher than for the control group. On the knowledge retention test, students in the test group outperformed students in the control group at high relatedness algorithm and local low relatedness tasks. Our results also suggest that, even when learning materials are carefully digitalized with the use of available technological advantages, student success in global low relatedness tasks may still be lacking.
ISSN: 15710068
DOI: 10.1007/s10763-021-10151-8
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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