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Title: XML-Based format for geometry
Authors: Quaresma, Pedro
Janičić, Predrag 
Tomašević, Jelena 
Vujošević Janičić, Milena 
Tošić, Dušan
Affiliations: Informatics and Computer Science 
Informatics and Computer Science 
Informatics and Computer Science 
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2008
Rank: M14
Publisher: Routledge
Related Publication(s): Communicating Mathematics in the Digital Era
With a large number of tools focusing on visualising geometrical constructions or on proving properties of constructed objects (or both), there is an emerging need of linking them, and making them and their corpora, widely usable. A common setting that links these tools would be important in the field of geometrical constructions and in their role in education. In the following text we propose a common, xml-based, interchange format for descriptions of geometrical constructions and proofs. We also present a xml library providing support for dynamic geometry software and automatic theorem provers, and its integration into our web-based GeoThms system
ISBN: 9781439865231
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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