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Title: Are Boltzmann plots of hydrogen Balmer lines a tool for identifying a subclass of S1 AGN?
Authors: Rafanelli, P.
Ciroi, S.
Cracco, V.
Di Mille, F.
Ilić, Dragana 
La Mura, G.
Popović, L. C.
Affiliations: Astronomy 
Keywords: Atomic processes;Galaxies: active;Line: formation;Plasmas
Issue Date: 1-Oct-2014
Journal: Advances in Space Research
It is becoming clear that we can define two different types of nearby AGN belonging to the Seyfert 1 class (S1), on the basis of the match of the intensities of their Broad Balmer Lines (BBL) with the Boltzmann Plots (BP). These two types of S1 galaxies, that we call BP-S1 and NoBP-S1, are characterized, in first approximation, by Broad Line Regions (BLR) with different structural and physical properties. In this communication, we show that these features can be well pointed out by a multi-wavelength analysis of the continuum and of the broad recombination Hydrogen lines, that we carry out on a sample of objects detected at optical and X-ray frequencies. The investigation is addressed to verify whether BP-S1 are the ideal candidates for the study of the kinematical and structural properties of the BLR, in order to derive reliable estimates of the mass of their central engine and to constrain the properties of their nuclear continuum spectrum. © 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
ISSN: 02731177
DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2013.11.050
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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