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Title: Hybrid metaheuristic method for determining locations for long-term health care facilities
Authors: Marić, Miroslav 
Stanimirović, Zorica 
Božović, Srdjan
Affiliations: Informatics and Computer Science 
Numerical Mathematics and Optimization 
Keywords: Evolutionary method;Health care systems;Hybrid algorithm;Location problems;Network design;Variable neighborhood search
Issue Date: 1-Apr-2015
Journal: Annals of Operations Research
Long-term health care facilities have gained an important role in today’s health care environments, due to the global trend of aging of human population. This paper considers the problem of network design in health-care systems, named the Long-Term Care Facility Location Problem (LTCFLP), which deals with determining locations for long-term care facilities among given potential sites. The objective is to minimize the maximal number of patients assigned to established facilities. We have developed an efficient hybrid method, based on combining the Evolutionary Approach (EA) with modified Variable Neighborhood Search method (VNS). The EA method is used in order to obtain a better initial solution that will enable the VNS to solve the LTCFLP more efficiently. The proposed hybrid algorithm is additionally enhanced by an exchange local search procedure. The algorithm is benchmarked on a data set from the literature with up to 80 potential candidate sites and on large-scale instances with up to 400 nodes. Presented computational results show that the proposed hybrid method quickly reaches all optimal solutions from the literature and in most cases outperforms existing heuristic methods for solving this problem.
ISSN: 02545330
DOI: 10.1007/s10479-013-1313-8
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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