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Title: New cosmological solutions of a nonlocal gravity model
Authors: Dimitrijevic, Ivan
Dragovich, Branko
Rakić, Zoran 
Stankovic, Jelena
Affiliations: Geometry 
Keywords: Cosmic radiation;Cosmological constant;Cosmological solutions;Dark energy;Dynamical change of topology;Nonlocal gravity;Nonsingular bounce
Issue Date: 2022
Rank: M22
Journal: Symmetry
A nonlocal gravity model (2) was introduced and considered recently, and two exact cosmological solutions in flat space were presented. The first solution is related to some radiation effects generated by nonlocal dynamics on dark energy background, while the second one is a nonsingular time symmetric bounce. In the present paper, we investigate other possible exact cosmological solutions and find some the new ones in nonflat space. Used nonlocal gravity dynamics can change the background topology. To solve the corresponding equations of motion, we first look for a solution of the eigenvalue problem □(R − 4Λ) = q (R − 4Λ). We also discuss possible extension of this model with a nonlocal operator, symmetric under □ ←→ □−1, and its connection with another interesting nonlocal gravity model.
DOI: 10.3390/sym14010003
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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