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Title: Could n-gram analysis contribute to genomic island determination?
Authors: Mitić, Nenad 
Pavlović-Lazetić, Gordana M
Beljanski, Milos V
Keywords: Bacteria;Escherichia coli;Genomic islands;n-Grams
Issue Date: 2008
Journal: Journal of biomedical informatics
There are two approaches to identifying genomic and pathogenesis islands (GI/PAIs) in bacterial genomes: the compositional and the functional, based on DNA or protein level composition and gene function, respectively. We applied n-gram analysis in addition to other compositional features, combined them by union and intersection and defined two measures for evaluating the results-recall and precision. Using the best criteria (by training on the Escherichia coli O157:H7 EDL933 genome), we predicted GIs for 14 Enterobacteriaceae family members and for 21 randomly selected bacterial genomes. These predictions were compared with results obtained from HGT DB (based on the compositional approach) and PAI DB (based on the combined approach). The results obtained show that intersecting n-grams with other compositional features improves relative precision by up to 10% in case of HGT DB and up to 60% in case of PAI DB. In addition, it was demonstrated that the union of all compositional features results in maximum recall (up to 37%). Thus, the application of n-gram analysis alongside existing or newly developed methods may improve the prediction of GI/PAIs.
ISSN: 15320464
DOI: 10.1016/j.jbi.2008.03.007
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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