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Title: Radio astronomy in Serbia: A short review
Authors: Urošević, Dejan 
Affiliations: Astronomy 
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2006
Related Publication(s): Proceedings of the 5th Bulgarian-Serbian Conference on Astronomy and Space Science: Astronomy and Space Science, BSCASS 2006
In this lecture, I presented a short review of: 1. The brief history of development of radio astronomy in Serbia, and 2. The present state of research and university teaching in Serbia on this interesting and modern field of astronomy. Since 1970's, the continuum observations at the lowest radio frequencies (e.g. 38 MHz) and the Galactic radio loops have been represented the topics of main research interest for the first radio astronomer in Serbia, prof. dr Jelena Milogradov-Turin. In 1983, she introduced Radio astronomy as two semester course at 4th year of studies at Department of astronomy, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade. In this moment we have radio astronomy group with 5 (mainly younger) researchers from Department of Astronomy and Belgrade Astronomical Observatory. The main fields of research interest are, as a part of tradition, the Galactic radio loops and additionally, the hydrodynamic and radio evolution of supernova remnants. Our future projects will be connected with radio evolution of nova remnants and planetary nebulae.
ISBN: 9788680019338
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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