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Title: Herschel and ALMA measurements of dust and molecules in supernova 1987A
Authors: Meixner, Margaret
Indebetouw, Remy
Matsuurae, Mikako
Kamenetzky, Julia
McCray, Richard
Dwekg, Eli
Zanardo, G.
Staveley-Smith, L.
Potter, T.
Barlow, M.
Yates, J.
Swinyard, B. M.
Arbutina, Bojan 
Urošević, Dejan 
Zeković, Vladimir 
Bolatto, A.
Vlahakis, C.
Wesson, R.
Chevalier, R.
Fransson, C.
Burrows, D.
Baes, M.
Verstappen, J.
De Looze, I.
Gentile, G.
Fritz, J.
Bouchet, P.
Okumura, K.
Sauvage, M.
Misslet, K. A.
Gomez, H. L.
Lim, T.
Groenewegen, M. A.T.
Van De Steene, G.
Van Hoof, P. A.M.
Royer, P.
Sonneborn, G.
Clayton, G.
Montiel, E.
Gaensler, B.
Kirshner, R.
Soderberg, A.
Lakićević, M.
Van Loon, J.
Long, K.
Roman-Duval, J.
Gordon, K.
Lundqvist, P.
Martí-Vidal, I.
Marcaide, J.
Ng, C. Y.
Park, S.
Otsuka, M.
Sandstrom, K.
Hony, S.
Babler, B.
Nozawa, T.
Affiliations: Astronomy 
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2013
Related Publication(s): The Life Cycle of Dust in the Universe: Observations, Theory, and Laboratory Experiments - LCDU 2013
Journal: Proceedings of Science
Dust production by supernovae is important in the dust life cycle of a galaxy. The explosion of SN 1987A was the nearest SN detected in the last 400 years, allowing us detailed studies of contemporary evolution of a supernova for the first time. In 2011, Matsuura et al. reported 0.4-0.7 M of dust in SN 1987A based on Herschel HERITAGE survey data, which is surprisingly large compared to prior measurements of supernovae. In this paper, we present our follow-up studies of this important discovery about SN 1987A using the Herschel Space Observatory and the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA). We highlight two important results, the detection of cold molecular gas and dust in the ejected material of SN 1987A. Our results suggest that SNe are significant producers of dust and molecules, as well as heavy elements, driving chemical evolution of galaxies.
DOI: 10.22323/1.207.0090
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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