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Title: On modeling of competencies in a descriptive geometry course
Authors: Bokan, Neda
Šukilović, Tijana 
Vukmirović, Srđan 
Affiliations: Geometry 
Keywords: Competencies;Descriptive geometry;Education
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2012
Journal: Pollack Periodica
As we know the reform of higher education through last 15 years has been done in such a way that system is changed from teaching to educational system. It involves: a shift from the lecture form to a student-centered approach, a shift in the paradigm from measuring educational attainment to measuring of competence. Problem solving and critical way of thinking are among the most important competencies in 21st Century by the most expert's opinion in this area.Our main goal is to present how one can model these competencies of students of Mathematics and Computer Science in the frame of Descriptive Geometry course. We point out the role of computers and software to reach these competencies in Descriptive Geometry course, having in mind that our students have developed abstract way of thinking in previous courses. We use a questionnaire-based approach to conclude which method best fulfils the previously mentioned competencies.
ISSN: 17881994
DOI: 10.1556/Pollack.7.2012.S.17
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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