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Title: Stationarily ordered types and the number of countable models
Authors: Moconja, Slavko 
Tanović, Predrag
Affiliations: Algebra and Mathematical Logic 
Keywords: Coloured order;dp-Minimality;Shuffling relation;Stationarily ordered type;Vaught's conjecture;Weakly quasi-o-minimal theory
Issue Date: 1-Mar-2020
Journal: Annals of Pure and Applied Logic
We introduce the notions of stationarily ordered types and theories; the latter generalizes weak o-minimality and the former is a relaxed version of weak o-minimality localized at the locus of a single type. We show that forking, as a binary relation on elements realizing stationarily ordered types, is an equivalence relation and that each stationarily ordered type in a model determines some order-type as an invariant of the model. We study weak and forking non-orthogonality of stationarily ordered types, show that they are equivalence relations and prove that invariants of non-orthogonal types are closely related. The techniques developed are applied to prove that in the case of a binary, stationarily ordered theory with fewer than 2ℵ0 countable models, the isomorphism type of a countable model is determined by a certain sequence of invariants of the model. In particular, we confirm Vaught's conjecture for binary, stationarily ordered theories.
ISSN: 01680072
DOI: 10.1016/j.apal.2019.102765
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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