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Title: New Characterization-Based Symmetry Tests
Authors: Božin, Vladimir 
Milošević, Bojana 
Nikitin, Ya Yu
Obradović, Marko 
Affiliations: Real and Complex Analysis 
Probability and Mathematical Statistics 
Probability and Mathematical Statistics 
Keywords: Approximation of maximal eigenvalue;Asymptotic efficiency;Characterization;Degenerate U-statistics;Second-order Gaussian chaos process;Symmetry tests
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2020
Journal: Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society
Two new symmetry tests, of integral and Kolmogorov type, based on the characterization by squares of linear statistics are proposed. The test statistics are related to the family of degenerate U-statistics. Their asymptotic properties are explored. The maximal eigenvalue, needed for the derivation of their logarithmic tail behavior, was calculated or approximated using techniques from the theory of linear operators and the perturbation theory. The quality of the tests is assessed using the approximate Bahadur efficiency as well as the simulated powers. The tests are shown to be comparable with some recent and classical tests of symmetry.
ISSN: 01266705
DOI: 10.1007/s40840-018-0680-3
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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