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Title: Hierarchical Protein Function Prediction with Tail-GNNs
Authors: Stefan Spalević
Petar Velčković
Kovačević, Jovana 
Nikolić, Mladen 
Affiliations: Informatics and Computer Science 
Informatics and Computer Science 
Issue Date: 2020
Rank: M33
Related Publication(s): Graph Representation Learning and Beyond (GRL+) ICML 2020
Conference: Graph Representation Learning and Beyond (GRL+) )CML 2020
Protein function prediction may be framed as predicting subgraphs (with certain closure properties) of a directed acyclic graph describing the hierarchy of protein functions. Graph neural networks (GNNs), with their built-in inductive bias for relational data, are hence naturally suited for this task. However, in contrast with most GNN applications, the graph is not related to the input, but to the label space. Accordingly, we propose Tail-GNNs, neural networks which naturally compose with the output space of any neural network for multi-task prediction, to provide relationally-reinforced labels. For protein function prediction, we combine a Tail-GNN with a dilated convolutional network which learns representations of the protein sequence, making significant improvement in F1 score and demonstrating the ability of Tail-GNNs to learn useful representations of labels and exploit them in real-world problem solving
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