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Title: Matching Complexes of Trees and Applications of the Matching Tree Algorithm
Authors: Jelić Milutinović, Marija 
Jenne, Helen
McDonough, Alex
Vega, Julianne
Affiliations: Topology 
Keywords: Caterpillar graph;Homotopy type;Honeycomb graph;Matching complex;Matching tree algorithm
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2022
Rank: M23
Publisher: Springer
Journal: Annals of Combinatorics
A matching complex of a simple graph G is a simplicial complex with faces given by the matchings of G. The topology of matching complexes is mysterious; there are few graphs for which the homotopy type is known. Marietti and Testa showed that matching complexes of forests are contractible or homotopy equivalent to a wedge of spheres. We study two specific families of trees. For caterpillar graphs, we give explicit formulas for the number of spheres in each dimension and for perfect binary trees we find a strict connectivity bound. We also use a tool from discrete Morse theory called the Matching Tree Algorithm to study the connectivity of honeycomb graphs, partially answering a question raised by Jonsson.
ISSN: 02180006
DOI: 10.1007/s00026-022-00605-3
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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