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Title: Higher Topological Complexities of Real Grassmannians and Semi-complete Real Flag Manifolds
Authors: Radovanović, Marko 
Affiliations: Algebra and Mathematical Logic 
Keywords: Higher topological complexity;real Grassmann manifold;semi-complete real flag manifold;zero-divisor cup-length
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2022
Rank: M21
Publisher: Springer
Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics
Topological complexity and its higher analogs naturally appear in motion planning in robotics. In this paper, we consider the problem of finding higher topological complexities (TC h) of the real Grassmann manifold Gk(Rn) of k-dimensional subspaces in Rn and semi-complete real flag manifold F(1 k, m) (here 1 k means that 1 appears k times). We use cohomology methods to prove some general bounds on the h-th zero-divisor cup-length (zcl h), and then use them to obtain the exact values of TCh(G2(R2s+1)) for h⩾ 2 s+1- 1 , and TC h(F(1 k, 2 s- k+ 1)) for h⩾ k⩾ 3. Additionally, we determine zcl h(G2(Rn)) for h⩾ 2 s+1- 1 (where 2 s< n⩽ 2 s+1), and resolve two questions from González et al. (Homol Homotopy Appl 82(2):359–375, 2016).
ISSN: 16605446
DOI: 10.1007/s00009-022-02199-9
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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