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Title: Erratum: The Critical Mass Ratio for W UMA-type Contact Binary Systems (Serb. Astron. J. } (208), (2024), (1–15), (10.2298/SAJ2408001A))
Authors: Arbutina, Bojan 
Wadhwa, Surjit
Affiliations: Astronomy 
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2024
Publisher: Beograd : Matematički fakultet
Journal: Serbian Astronomical Journal
In the paper by Arbutina and Wadhwa (2024), due to an error at the production stage, axes designations are incorrect or missing in Figs. 2{5. The corrected Figures are reproduced below. (Figure presented) Fig. 2: Mean radii for outer Roche lobes ROL1 and ROL2. Filled circles are numerical data from Mochnacki (1984) tables, dashed curves are approximations given by Yakut and Eggleton (2005), while solid curves represent our approximations from Eq. (7). (Figure presented) Fig. 3: The numerical data for the ratio R2=R1 from Yakut and Eggleton (2005) and our approximations. The dotted curve represents a power-law fits (Formula presented) to the observational data (p = 0:459, Kuiper 1941, Csizmadia and Klagyivik 2004) (p = 0:389, Poro et al. 2022). (Figure presented)Fig. 4: The data (Landin et al. 2009) and k21 = k21(M1) relation fit. (Figure presented) Fig. 5: The instability mass ratio versus primary mass. The data are from Latković et al. (2021) (filled circles) and Table 2 (open circles).
ISSN: 1450698X
DOI: 10.2298/SAJ2409055E
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