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Title: Detecting Long-period Variability in the SDSS Stripe 82 Standards Catalog
Authors: Fatović, Marta
Palaversa, Lovro
Tisanić, Krešimir
Thanjavur, Karun
Ivezić, Željko
Kovačević, Anđelka 
Ilić, Dragana 
Č. Popović, Luka
Affiliations: Astronomy 
Issue Date: 1-Apr-2023
Rank: M21
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Journal: Astronomical Journal
We report the results of a search for long-period (100 < P < 600 days) periodic variability in the SDSS Stripe 82 standards catalog. The SDSS coverage of Stripe 82 enables such a search because there are on average 20 observations per band in ugriz bands for about one million sources, collected over about 6 yr, with a faint limit of r ∼ 22 mag and precisely calibrated 1%-2% photometry. We calculated the periods of variable source candidates in this sample using the Lomb-Scargle periodogram and considered the three highest periodogram peaks in each of the gri filters as relevant. Only those sources with gri periods consistent within 0.1% were later studied. We use the Kuiper statistic to ensure uniform distribution of data points in phased light curves. We present five sources with the spectra consistent with quasar spectra and plausible periodic variability. This SDSS-based search bodes well for future sensitive large-area surveys, such as the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time, which, due to its larger sky coverage (about a factor of 60) and improved sensitivity (∼2 mag), will be more powerful for finding such sources.
Marta Fatović et al 2023 AJ 165(4) 138
ISSN: 00046256
DOI: 10.3847/1538-3881/acb596
Rights: Attribution 3.0 United States
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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