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Title: Structured prediction of sparse dependent variables for traffic state estimation in large-scale networks
Authors: Petrović, Andrija
Radovanović, Sandro
Nikolić, Mladen 
Delibašić, Boris
Jovanović, Miloš
Affiliations: Informatics and Computer Science 
Keywords: Classification;Conditional random fields;Large-scale networks;Structured regression;Traffic state estimation
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2023
Rank: M21a
Publisher: Elsevier
Journal: Applied Soft Computing
Currently, one of the biggest challenges in modern traffic engineering is related to traffic state estimation (TSE). Although many machine learning and domain models can be used for TSE, they do not consider the sparsity and spatial dependence of traffic state variables. In this paper, we propose a hybrid soft computing model of two Gaussian conditional random field (GCRF) models for the inference of traffic speed, which is a relevant variable for TSE and travel information systems. The proposed model can infer the traffic state variables in large-scale networks whose nodes are geographically dispersed. Moreover, by combining a Gaussian conditional random field binary classification model (GCRFBC), which classifies traffic regimes as free-flow or potentially congested, and a regression GCRF model for the prediction of traffic speed in potentially congested traffic regimes, the model addresses two specifics of the problem: sparsity in traffic data, and the fact that observations are not independent. The proposed model was tested on two large-scale real-world networks in Serbia, namely an arterial E70-E75 335 km long highway stretch and the major ski resort Kopaonik with 55 km of ski slopes. In addition, the proposed model showed better prediction performance than several other unstructured and structured models.
ISSN: 15684946
DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2022.109893
Rights: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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