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Title: Computation of asteroid proper elements on the grid
Authors: Novaković, Bojan 
Balaž, A.
Kneževic, Z.
Potoćnik, M.
Affiliations: Astronomy 
Keywords: Methods: data analysis;Minor planets, asteroids
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2009
Journal: Serbian Astronomical Journal
A procedure of Gridification of the computation of asteroid proper orbital elements is described. The need to speed up the time consuming computations and make them more effcient is justified by the large increase of observational data expected from the next generation all sky surveys. We give the basic notion of proper elements and of the contemporary theories and methods used to compute them for different populations of objects. Proper elements for nearly 70,000 asteroids are derived since the beginning of use of the Grid infrastructure for the purpose. The average time for the catalogs update is significantly shortened with respect to the time needed with stand-alone workstations. We also present basics of the Grid computing, the concepts of Grid middleware and its Workload management system. The practical steps we undertook to effciently gridify our application are described in full detail. We present the results of a comprehensive testing of the performance of different Grid sites, and offer some practical conclusions based on the benchmark results and on our experience. Finally, we propose some possibilities for the future work.
ISSN: 1450698X
DOI: 10.2298/SAJ0979075N
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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