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Title: Secular evolution of asteroid families: The role of Ceres
Authors: Novaković, Bojan 
Tsirvoulis, Georgios
Marò, Stefano
Došović, Vladimir
Maurel, Clara
Affiliations: Astronomy 
Keywords: asteroid families;asteroids;celestial mechanics;minor planets;transport mechanisms
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2016
Journal: Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
We consider the role of the dwarf planet Ceres on the secular dynamics of the asteroid main belt. Specifically, we examine the post impact evolution of asteroid families due to the interaction of their members with the linear nodal secular resonance with Ceres. First, we find the location of this resonance and identify which asteroid families are crossed by its path. Next, we summarize our results for three asteroid families, namely (1726) Hoffmeister, (1128) Astrid and (1521) Seinajoki which have irregular distributions of their members in the proper elements space, indicative of the effect of the resonance. We confirm this by performing a set of numerical simulations, showcasing that the perturbing action of Ceres through its linear nodal secular resonance is essential to reproduce the actual shape of the families.
ISSN: 17439213
DOI: 10.1017/S1743921315008595
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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