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Title: Asteroid families: properties, recent advances, and future opportunities
Authors: Novaković, Bojan 
Vokrouhlický, David
Spoto, Federica
Nesvorný, David
Affiliations: Astronomy 
Keywords: Collisional asteroid families;Small bodies;Solar system
Issue Date: 2022
Rank: M22
Journal: Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy
Collisions are one of the key processes shaping planetary systems. Asteroid families are outcomes of such collision still identifiable across our solar system. The families provide a unique view of catastrophic disruption phenomena and have been in the focus of planetary scientists for more than a century. Most of them are located in the main belt, a ring of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter. Here we review the basic properties of the families, discuss some recent advances, and anticipate future challenges. This review pays more attention to dynamic aspects such as family identification, age determination, and long-term evolution. The text, however, goes beyond that. Especially, we cover the details of young families that see the major advances in the last years, and we anticipate it will develop even faster in the future. We also discuss the relevance of asteroid families for water-ice content in the asteroid belt and our current knowledge on links between families and main-belt comets. query Please check the edit made in the article title.
ISSN: 09232958
DOI: 10.1007/s10569-022-10091-7
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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