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Title: Linked open data infrastructure for public sector information: Example from Serbia
Authors: Janev, Valentina
Miloševic, Uroš
Spasić, Mirko 
Milojković, Jelena
Vraneš, Sanja
Affiliations: Informatics and Computer Science 
Keywords: Infrastructure;Linked open data;Open government data;Public sector;Serbia;Tools
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2012
Related Publication(s): Proceedings of the I-SEMANTICS 2012 Posters and Demonstrations Track
Journal: CEUR Workshop Proceedings
To improve transparency and public service delivery, national, regional and local governmental bodies need to consider new strategies to openning up their data. We approach the problem of creating a more scalable and interoperable Open Government Data ecosystem by considering the latest advances in Linked Open Data. More precisely, we showcase how an integrated and coherent collection of aligned state of the art software tools, the LOD2 Stack, can be used to deliver trusted, open and rich collections of interlinked datasets to the public. The usage of the Tool Stack is demonstrated on the case of one of the largest data providers in the Republic of Serbia - its Statistical Office.
ISSN: 16130073
Appears in Collections:Research outputs

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